We frequently get asked why it is crucial to request your IP addresses. This section will enlighten you better on why we request it and what we use it for. These are some of the fundamental reasons why we request your IP Addres

  • Firewall Lockouts

    When we help you secure your servers/websites, we put firewalls in place to block malicious actors. Sometimes these firewalls can block legitimate users. If you put your password wrong multiple times, fail to log into email correctly, and take actions on the site that the server deems to be suspicious, it may block you. Your website would then appear down to you because the firewall won’t let you access it. To fix this, we need your IP address to unblock you or whitelist you in the firewall rules.

  • Privileged & Administrative Access

    For sensitive admin ports, services & portals, we will purposely use the firewall to block ALL traffic. When doing so, we need your IP address to allow you, the site/server owner, to bypass the firewall and access your systems.

  • Exclude Internal Traffic

    There are times when we’ll want to prevent your activity from being picked up by analytics & metric trackers on your sites & servers. Stats can be skewed by site owners (and their internal team members/staff) who frequently visit their own sites. We have clients that check their pages every 10 minutes and more. This can throw off stats in applications such as Google Analytics, especially if you are testing order & form conversions. If we have your IP address we can properly exclude your activity from skewing your analytics.

The above are just a few reasons we need to know your IPs. Please keep in mind, it can get tricky when you have a dynamic IP instead of a static IP address. Because if it is dynamic, it can change often. So if we whitelist an IP and it changes, you could effectively get blocked again. If you do have a dynamic IP, we may advise you use to utilize a VPN.