Your Domain is Vital – Do Not Lose It!

Imagine waking up one morning to discover your customers can no longer reach and interact with your website. No new leads and SEO is plummeting! To your dismay, you realize that your domain name has expired and been acquired by someone else. Now, all the hard-earned traffic that used to go to your site is going to the new owner of your domain!

We know it sounds scary. It happens all the time. This is why we aim to prevent you from becoming a victim. We have written this article to remind you how important your domain is to your brand image, growth, and reputation. If you lose it, you may never get it back or may have to pay more to get it back, in some cases, acquiring legal services.

Why Your Domain is Vital to Your Business

Domain names are much more helpful to your business than you think! When planning an online business, the domain usually makes up a considerable part of the process. Websites are the rave right now. You need a website to represent your business adequately on the internet. But having a website is not enough. To build a website, you need to buy a domain name. And the domain name you acquire should match your business name. This ensures more access to your business and, of course, more comprehensive visibility.

This is why after securing a unique domain, you must ensure that you never lose it. Except, of course, you decide to go out of business entirely. It is even more critical if your business targets a large audience and aims to be around for a long time. Getting a domain name is not difficult—register or contact a hosting provider to write one for you. There are two main reasons why your domain is essential to your brand:

  • A domain is your identity and address on the web. If you do not own one, people cannot find you.

  • A catchy domain name is good for business and traffic.

It is essential to understand that you cannot own domain names as your personal property. It is more like a name available on the internet that you borrow for use for a certain period. When you register it, it becomes available to only you; nobody else can use it without your authorization. This is why it is crucial not to let your domain expire. Because the moment it does, it becomes available again on the web, and anybody else can use it before you make moves to renew it. Let us look at some ways you can secure and protect your domain.

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How to Protect and Secure Your Domain

Your domain is like your business address in real life. People visit because they know you have what they need. So, it should always be protected and secured. Here are some known ways you can protect your domain names:

  • Pay close attention during the registration. Whether doing it through a hosting service or registering yourself, ensure you do proper research and pay attention to administrative details. You must ensure you are registered as the owner or registrar of the domain name you are acquiring. Your legal representation should be written as the acquirer of the domain name. This will protect you in case any disputes over your domain name arise.

  • Beware of spammers. Hackers are always active. Someone with bad intentions for your business could camouflage your domain name registrar and try to interact with you to get essential details used to hurt your business.

  • Be cautious of expiration dates. Often, after registering a domain name, we move on and forget that there is an expiration date that we must remember. It is essential to know when your domain will expire so that you will already have a payment plan to renew it when the time approaches. If possible, you can set a reminder for it on your calendar.

  • Communicate with your domain name registrar from time to time. This helps keep you up to date about your domain’s lifeline.

  • Ensure you have a strong password to protect your account. This helps to keep out intruders and hackers.

  • You can lock your domain from being transferred, modified, or deleted without your prior knowledge.

What Will Happen if My Domain Expires?

If you allow your domain to expire, you risk losing the online business you worked hard to build. But there is no need to fret just yet. If you forget to renew your domain name registration and it expires, there is usually a grace period between 14 to 30 days that you can use to restore it. You may lose your domain entirely if you fail to renew your registration within this grace period. Also, many hosting providers send out alerts to their customers when their domain subscription is nearing the expiration date. You should always keep a close eye on your email and take action immediately after you are alerted about your domain expiration date.

If you somehow miss this alert and the grace period after expiration, someone else will have access to your domain name! But prevention, they say, is a lot better than looking for a cure. So, rather than risk it, it’s best to ensure your domain never expires. We have put together some useful tips to help ensure that your domain does not pass in case you forget to renew it!

How to Prevent Your Domain from Expiring

  • Set up autorenewal for your account. You can do this with your domain name registrar. When you set up your account for autorenewal, the domain registration automatically renews when it expires. With this, you do not have to worry about remembering to renew your domain. Just ensure you have a viable payment method in place so that when the autorenewal happens, you will have no issues with payment.
  • Pre-pay for multiple years. With this option, you can decide to pre-pay for as many years as possible so that you do not feel disturbed about the expiration date for a very long time. However, you must ensure you do not forget the date your subscription will end.

  • Check if your email address associated with the domain account is active so that you can take appropriate action if you are sent an alert warning that your domain is about to expire.

    If you found this article helpful, we are glad we’ve been able to save you the torture of losing your domain. However, if you are faced with any technical issues on your website, you should immediately consult our team of IT experts.

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Published On: April 13th, 2023 / Last Updated: August 2nd, 2024 / Categories: Security / Tags: /

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