CentOS version 7 reached its end-of-life (EOL) on June 30, 2024, yet our support team continues to see many new clients still using this outdated operating system. Don’t let potential security issues impact your business. If you’re still running CentOS 7, read on.

This news is crucial for the operating system community, particularly after the EOL status of CentOS 8 in December 2021. With many hosting companies, businesses, and technical administrators relying on CentOS 7, the need to migrate to a new system is immediate. Despite this inconvenience, it is the best route for a CentOS user. To make your imminent transition easy, we have put together this post to educate you on what this change means and the best alternatives to CentOS from which you can choose. In this article, we will discuss:

In This Article

What is CentOS?

CentOS, short for Community Enterprise Distributed Operating System, has been a widespread open-source Linux distribution since its launch in 2004, and it has provided its users with a versatile and secure operating system. After CentOS 7 reached EOL on June 30th, 2024, users who have not migrated will stop receiving support, security patches, and updates. As a result, they will become highly susceptible to vulnerabilities. However, before jumping straight into the migration process and the alternatives we recommend, we must understand the urgent need for migration to supported alternatives like AlmaLinux and Ubuntu.

What is End-of-Life (EOL)?

Every product has a life cycle: development, introduction, growth, maturity, and decline. When a product enters its final phase and begins to decline, it is said to have reached its EOL. This indicates that the software will cease to receive updates, bug fixes, security patches, or technical support from its provider. This transition can pose significant challenges for both businesses and individuals. Using unsupported software exposes you to security risks and restricts your ability to leverage new features and advancements.

Implications of CentOS 7 reaching EOL.

This discontinuation of support and security patches for CentOS 7 can give rise to various issues that profoundly impact your business. These implications include:.

  • Security Vulnerabilities:

    Unsupported software may contain unpatched security vulnerabilities, providing fertile ground for cyber attackers to exploit. Such vulnerabilities can result in data breaches and compromise sensitive information.

  • Compatibility Issues:

    The CentOS 7 EOL software may not be compatible with newer operating systems, hardware, or other software versions. This incompatibility will hamper the effective utilization of the software, resulting in decreased productivity and heightened expenses.

  • Absence of New Features and Enhancements:

    CentOS 7 will no longer receive updates or introduce new features, leaving you with an outdated technology that fails to meet evolving needs. This will hinder your business’s ability to stay competitive and maintain an edge in their respective markets.

Do you need certified experts to handle your migration and lessen the risk of complications?

Migration to AlmaLinux

The lifespan of CentOS 7 has reached an end, so it is high priority to migrate as soon as possible to an equally functional alternative. We highly recommend AlmaLinux. AlmaLinux is an open-source, community-driven project designed to serve as a drop-in replacement for CentOS. It is very similar to CentOS and amplifies the same Red Hat Linux infrastructures on which CentOS depends. It offers a smooth transition for users who want to migrate from CentOS 7. Not only does AlmaLinux provide great support, but it also boasts a robust community of users where you can get unlimited resources on how to navigate the operating system. Below are some of the critical features of Almalinux:

  • Compatibility with RHEL:

    One of the key features when you move to AlmaLuinux is its high compatibility with Red Hat Enterprise Linux, also known as RHEL. The advantage this provides you is more straightforward navigation of the new OS as it shares many similarities with CentOS, which is also built on RHEL. There would be minimal complications before, during, and after migration.

  • Great Long-term Support:

    AlmaLinux provides significant experience with your systems. They have extensive resources and are always up-to-date with the latest security patches and bug fixes. As a result, your system will be exposed to fewer vulnerabilities. Besides, support is always available, and you can get resources from the AlmaLinux growing community.

  • Community-Driven Development:

    Just like CentOS, AlmaLinux has a great community of users with whom you can collaborate to enhance your experience with the operating system. The AlmaLinux community is inclusive, transparent, and innovative.

  • Open Source Foundation:

    AlmaLinux is an open-source software. Anyone familiar with the Linux enterprise can access and modify the source code according to their preferences. As a result, it is adaptable to your needs.

  • Ecosystem Compatibility:

    The developers of AlmaLinux designed it to integrate seamlessly with existing Linux ecosystems, toolchains, and infrastructure components. Whether deploying on-premises, in the cloud, or hybrid environments, users can leverage AlmaLinux’s compatibility to streamline their workflows and maximize productivity.

  • Scalability and Performance:

    AlmaLinux has a reputation for being lightweight. And anyone can deploy the software regardless of whether they are a small-scale or big business. It is highly scalable without compromising quality and performance.

However, migrating to AlmaLinux is a challenging task that requires experience. If you lack the technical expertise to migrate successfully, complications may arise, potentially jeopardizing your systems. To avoid this, consult our professionals in operating systems migration, and let us assist you as soon as possible.

Migrating to Ubuntu

Ubuntu is another viable option we recommend as an alternative to CentOS. Ubuntu is an equally efficient operating system designed on the Debian system. Similar to CentOS, it has many unique features that can make working seamless and easy for you. Below are some key features you can access when you migrate to Ubuntu:

  • Stability and Support:

    What is an operating system without good support? Ubuntu has continuously published updates since the day it entered the market. First, Ubuntu Server offers Long-Term Support (LTS) releases, providing stability and security updates for five years, making it ideal for production environments.

  • Easy Installation and Configuration:

    One of the pros of migrating to Ubuntu is that the configuration process is simple. As a beginner, you can navigate it with little technical experience. Also, the Ubuntu installation and server setup process is straightforward.

  • Security Features:

    Ubuntu frequently releases security patches and has a wide range of security features. This includes an in-built firewall system and consistent protection against vulnerabilities and threats. This makes it a worthy alternative to CentOS 7.

  • Extensive Package Repository:

    Ubuntu’s extensive repository of software packages allows you to install, update, and manage your applications. The comprehensive package ecosystem includes popular server software, development tools, and utilities, facilitating customization and scalability.

  • Scalability and Performance Optimization:

    Ubuntu Server leverages the latest Linux kernel system optimization. As a result, it delivers high scalability and performs optimally. It can handle heavy operations and increased traffic. No matter the size of your business, Ubuntu can take it.

  • Cloud Compatibility:

    Ubuntu Server is cloud-friendly, with official support for major cloud platforms such as AWS, Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform, and OpenStack.Seamless integration with cloud services simplifies deployment, migration, and management of server instances in virtualized environments.

Initiate Your Migration Process Without Delay

Ubuntu and AlmaLinux are both great alternatives to CentOS 7. Whichever you choose, we guarantee that your server will function as it should. The best time to start your migration is NOW, so don’t delay further. Embarking on an operating system migration, especially under duress and within a limited time, can affect you. The technical process can be tedious, especially when ensuring backups are intact. There are many factors to consider, such as compatibility, software, and hardware requirements. Things can get dicey if you are not cautious. At Clarkes.Team, we specialize in facilitating seamless transitions to Ubuntu and AlmaLinux from CentOS, offering expertise and assistance every step of the way.

Do you have questions about migrating to Ubuntu or AlmaLinux? We are here to answer your inquiries. ASK US.

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Published On: September 23rd, 2024 / Last Updated: September 24th, 2024 / Categories: Server Management, Server Security / Tags: , , /

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